How to Use Art History Brush Tool in Photoshop

How to Use Art History Brush Tool in Photoshop

In this 30th tutorial, we are going to learn about Art History Brush Tool. This is one of the most basic tools in Adobe Photoshop for painting with stylized strokes by using the source data from a specific history state or snapshot taken. Art History Brush Tool has very interesting options. We can play around different paint styles, brush sizes, and tolerance values. We can also simulate the texture with different colors and artistic styles. Unlike the History Brush tool, the Art History Brush tool paints by re-creating the specified source data. The Art History Brush tool uses that data along with the options you set to create different colors and artistic styles. This is how we achieve painterly effects. We also discussed several hidden Photoshop Tips, tricks and Secrets. We discussed several ways to create new layer in Photoshop. We also talked about creating work path and applying art history brush tool on stroke. We explored the meaning of Dab Style. Real life examples were also shown in the tutorial.

The keyboard shortcut key for Art History Brush tool is letter ‘Y’.

How to Use History Brush Tool in Photoshop

How to Use History Brush Tool in Photoshop

In this 29th tutorial, we are going to learn about History Brush Tool. This is one of the most basic tools in Adobe Photoshop for deleting or cleaning history states from specific areas on a layer or Photoshop document. History Brush Tool in Photoshop enables us to sort-of-redo all at once. With its help, we can restore an earlier state. We can also access History Panel from Window Menu. History Brush Tool erases history; however, it is different from Eraser Tool Photoshop. Eraser tool does not offer us blending modes but History Brush Tool does so.

The keyboard shortcut key for History Brush Tool is letter ‘Y’.

How to Use Pattern Stamp Tool in Photoshop

How to Use Pattern Stamp Tool in Photoshop

In this 28th tutorial, we are going to learn about Pattern Stamp Tool. This is one of the most basic tools in Adobe Photoshop for applying patterns on specific areas on a layer or Photoshop document. Pattern Stamp Tool and Clone Stamp Tool are almost same. The only difference is that in Pattern Stamp Tool, we apply pattern and in the Clone Stamp Tool, we clone pixels from one area to another. We also discussed about 19th Century Art Movement Impressionism that started in France.

The keyboard shortcut key for Pattern Stamp Tool tool is letter ‘S’.

How to Use Clone Stamp Tool in Photoshop

How to Use Clone Stamp Tool in Photoshop

In this 27th tutorial, we are going to learn about Clone Stamp Tool. This is one of the most powerful tools in Adobe Photoshop with its own dedicated panel i.e. clone source. Clone Stamp Tool is used to clone pixel data from one place to another. It is also used to remove objects from Photoshop document, object or layer. It’s also well known for image editing or image retouching projects. Keyboard shortcut for Clone Stamp Tool is ‘S’. Pattern Stamp Tool works the same way except that it is all about cloning pattern. Clone Source: It is used to set angle, source point, width and height, opacity, overlay, clipping and selective blending modes i.e. Normal, Lighten, Darken and Difference. Clone Stamp Tool Tips, Tricks and Secrets: 1) Read the image carefully (analyse) 2) Start with minor spots. Then move on to removing major objects. 3) Understand light and dark pixels along with blending modes for better results. 4) Take good care of perspective, vanishing point etc. 5) For angled objects, change the angle from Clone Source panel of the Clone Stamp Tool. 6) Try to create as many layers as possible. This will help you in the long run. 7) Use blend if slider (Blending Options). 8) Play around different values of Opacity and Flow to see what fits well. 9) Blend well the cloned areas as the professionals do. 10) Consider resolution of the source and the area where you are painting. Different resolution values look awkward. And much more…

The keyboard shortcut key for Clone Stamp tool is letter ‘S’.

How to Use Mixer Brush Tool in Photoshop

How to Use Mixer Brush Tool in Photoshop

In this 26th tutorial, we are going to learn about Mixer Brush Tool. This is one of the most basic tools in Adobe Photoshop for creating custom drawing objects by sampling gradients, textures etc. Mixer Brush Tool can also be used with custom paths. It is also used to have water color effects.

The keyboard shortcut key for Mixer Brush tool is letter ‘B’.

How to Use Color Replacement Tool in Photoshop

How to Use Color Replacement Tool in Photoshop

In this 25th tutorial, we are going to learn about Color Replacement Tool in Photoshop. This is one of the several ways to Replace Color. It is powerful tool. It has four different modes including hue, saturation, color and luminosity. It also has anti aliasing and tolerance features. Color Replacement in Photoshop CC: 1) Use Color Replacement Tool (We discussed in detail) 2) From Photoshop Menu Bar, go to Image … Adjustments … Color Replace. With 3 Eye droppers available in Color Replace Panel, we can select, add to selection or subtract from selection. In the box, black shows the area or part of the image that is hidden and white reveals the selected areas. Click on the color you want to replace. Change fuzziness value. Hit OK when done. 3) From Adjustment Layers, use Hue and Saturation Adjustment Layer. Change the Hue, Saturation and Luminosity accordingly. 4) From Menu Bar of the Photoshop, go to Select … Color Range. A panel will open. Three eye droppers are there as we discussed in the Color Replace Panel. Black in the box shows hidden part of the image; white means the area is selected. Color Range and Replace select the color the same way; however, the only difference is that Color Range has Hue, Saturation and Luminosity options built in. Color Range helps us to select the colors we want to change.

The keyboard shortcut key for Color Replacement tool is letter ‘B’.

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